This week, you may have heard us on the radio, seen us on the television or read about us in the paper.
Though our social media accounts have been somewhat quiet since the Covid-19 outbreak, we have been very busy as a company and blessed with a multitude of wonderful projects.
One such project is that of the spire repair works to Norwich Cathedral, which began this week.
At 96 metres, Norwich Cathedral is home to the second tallest steeple in the United Kingdom, topped only by that of Salisbury Cathedral.
We’re set carry out a variety of works on the spire, including:
- Regilding the weather cockerel in gold leaf
- Repairing/painting the weathervane cross
- Replacing loose and failing mortar
- Pinning and stabilising loose stone
- Replacing stone sections with new, where needed
- Replacing rusting iron cramps with stainless steel units
This initial visit was in advance of the main works, in order to gain access to the top of the steeple and to ascertain the possibility of removing the cockerel to bring to ground.
When stood at the top of the spire, the cockerel sits high above one’s head, just within reach of outstretched arms.
Being that the cockerel is perched on the main rod of the weathervane, it then needs to be raised a further few feet to remove it from the vertical ‘spike’.
Given our findings, we can now develop a system to achieve this end, and shall be returning shortly to put it in to action.