High-Level Roof Works – French Church Soho

A quick journey back to May this year will see a team of 4 busy carrying out roof works on this character-infused, Grade II listed church in Soho Square, London.

We were contracted for a five week project, where a wide range of roof repairs were to be carried out.

Tasks included:

High level roof repairs for tile and slate replacement, bell cote bird prevention netting, bell tower netting for catching slip-slates, clearance and repairs to all high level rainwater goods, pointing repairs and the installation of six Georgian wire glass dome windows.

The MillWalkers – Dismantling the Sweeps of a Beautiful Windmill

We recently were contracted to carry out high spec wood repairs to the sails, or ‘sweeps’, of this beautiful windmill and private home.

The spec was to include chopping out failed wood sections, replacing with external-grade plastic wood, painting with wood hardener to any softening wood, sanding down, lining with external-grade mastic and painted with a base coat to the limit of the allowable budget.

Day 1 on site, tools in hand, the specification was about to change dramatically.

Up in Lights – Brushing up on The Royal Academy of Arts

Our rope access services were recently called upon by the Royal Academy of Arts, London. Tasks included specialist cleaning of the priceless sculpture, and the replacement of difficult to access high-level light bulbs. Carried out in the dead of night, it proved to be one of the more complex of our recent undertakings.

After all, how does one suspend oneself over a 50ft void with nothing to attach to above or beside them?

While we gently brushed every surface, line and contour of each sculpture, a professional photographer took shots and footage for a film on the maintenance of the historic gallery.

The WallWalkers of Walbrook

A rope access technician we’ve previously worked with on numerous occasions recently sent me a photograph of a small church in London and I was immediately struck with a sense of warm familiarity as a wave of fond memories rolled in.

It was very much the kind of nostalgia you’d get if you stumbled upon an old photograph showing your fresh-faced school buddies, all laughing and tumbling over each other in an effort to get in the centre line of an off-the-cuff snap.

Scaling the Palace – Blenheim Heights

From castles to churches, palaces to abbeys, England’s eclectic range of structures are recognised globally as being of those of great historic significance, stunning architectural display and wonderful artistic beauty. The WallWalkers team have been blessed with the privilege of working on a variety of listed buildings across the United Kingdom, enabling them to hang…

Teetering Atop a Flagpole

Team WallWalkers go where others won’t, with minimal fuss and without the need for expensive scaffolding. Ever since that playful remark from an architect client who asked if we could access the top of a steeple to look at the condition of a weathervane, we have evolved it into a unique and specialist skill. Now…